Rvs-Cde  Council of State


  1. How to pay the duties referred to in section 30, §§ 5 to 7, of the coordinated laws?


  2. What can I do with my unused revenue stamps?


  3. What judgments can be consulted on this site?

    The judgments on our site go back to 1994 at the earliest. As to the judgments which cannot be found back on our website it is recommended to apply to the Registry. The Registry is located at the Wetenschapsstraat 37, 1040 Brussels and is open to the public every working day from 9am to 1pm. You can contact the Registry by phone. Should you want the Registry to send you judgments by mail, a request in writing should first be made to the Registry. Keep in mind, however, that in this case there is a fee to be paid of 0,5 Euro per page.
    The Council of State's judgments were published in book form until 1994 by the UGA editions. This book collection can be consulted in most (law) libraries.

  4. Are the judgments concerning immigration litigation available online?

    As far as judgments relating to foreigners are concerned, only a selection of them is published on this site and always after depersonalization (Royal Decree 7 July 1997). To obtain a copy, contact the Registry.

  5. Are there any translations available of the judgments?

    Yes, there are, but only a selection of the judgments is translated (Royal Decree 25 January 2001). The available translations are put on the website at regular intervals. For further information you may of course also contact the Registry.

  6. Does the Council of State intend to publish older judgments on this site?


  7. How can I consult the digital judgments of the Council of State?

    The legislator has stipulated that the judgments must be published in an electronic way by means of a website and a cd-rom.

  8. I would like to get more information concerning the availability and the price of the cd-rom of the judgments of the Council of State. Does that cd-rom also contain judgments pronounced before 1994?


  9. I cannot find the opinions given by the Council of State.


  10. I am unable to consult the judgments I find after a search.

    You must have Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.xx or Netscape Navigator 3.x or more in combination with the Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in.

  11. How can I consult judgments off-line?

    To consult a judgment off-line use the ‘save as’ option in the Acrobat file-menu.

  12. I am a law student working on an assignment. For this purpose I am looking for case law and doctrine. Could you send me some relevant judgments?

    Unfortunately, that is not possible. You can however consult our website 24 hours a day in order to look for judgments that are of interest to you.

  13. How do I know if the Council of State has vacancies?

    Some vacancies are published in the official gazette but you may also consult our vacancies page.

  14. I have brought a claim before the Council of State. Is it possible to have an idea as to when the case will be brought into the public session?

    You have to contact the court registry, which will give you the exact date if possible.

  15. How can I bring a claim before the Council of State?

    The purpose of this site is to inform the citizens and the authorities of the jurisdiction that is pronounced. Therefore, questions concerning concrete claims or procedures can not be asked by e-mail. Questions like these should be addressed to lawyers, law centers, legal aid organizations, social services, etc.

  16. Do institutions similar to the Belgian Council of State exist in other European countries?

    Similar institutions exist in other countries as well. The Council of State keeps in touch with these institutions.

    Four activities have a certain frequency:
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